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Dr. Alveda King, Raising Children with a Biblical Worldview

Writer's picture: Dr. Alveda KingDr. Alveda King

As a parent, I am deeply convicted that one of the greatest legacies I can share with my children is a robust understanding of the awesomeness of God and a trust in guiding principles found in the Bible. I would love to pass on financial blessings, wisdom about cooking and gardening, my appreciation for the creative arts — these legacies are important, but they mean nothing compared to the incomparable goodness of knowing and trusting God.

Research conducted by Dr. George Barna sheds light on the state of worldviews among parents and youth ministers, offering both concern and hope. It is troubling to learn that a significant portion of individuals in these roles may lack a Biblical worldview — a worldview grounded in the belief that the Bible is the true word of God, serving as a moral compass.

Barna's findings reveal startling statistics, with only forty-four percent of parents and sixty-two percent of youth ministers affirming the Bible's divine authority as a guide for navigating life’s decisions. Consequently, it comes as no surprise that only a quarter of 8- to 12-year-olds subscribe to this foundational belief.

Barna’s research also asked about the reason for living. Specifically, if a person believes “The main reason to live is to know, love, and serve God, with all of your heart, soul, mind, and strength.” Only fifty-six percent of children’s ministers and thirty-three percent of parents agreed with this statement. Only twenty-seven percent of eight- to twelve-year-olds agreed.

This information should be mind-blowing to followers of Christ. If over half of the ministers who are leading our youth do not have confidence in the infallibility of scripture, church youth groups are no more than extracurricular camps.

My Uncle Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. warned of churches losing their prophetic zeal and becoming nothing more than irrelevant social clubs. The challenges that our young people are facing require that we provide them with training from Churches that are grounded in a Biblical worldview.

I believe that the deficit in Biblical worldview correlates with the rising rates of depression and mental health issues among young people. In an era where cultural whims dictate truth and morality, our youth are left adrift, devoid of the steadfast faith found in the Gospel. Ephesians 4:14 provides poignant counsel against succumbing to the ever-changing tides of cultural influence, urging believers to stand firm in their convictions.

Even in the absence of intentional efforts to instill a Biblical worldview, children will develop a worldview influenced by societal norms and prevailing ideologies. Therefore, as parents and mentors, it is incumbent upon us to actively cultivate and nurture a Biblical perspective in our children from an early age.

A Biblical worldview teaches us we are one blood, one human race, and sets the foundation for building a world of unity rather than strife. A Biblical worldview means not allowing the world to tell us that life from the womb to the tomb is not important. When you understand the scriptures as the infallible word of God, you will not be bullied into believing a person can magically change their sex because they feel like it. Homes grounded in a Biblical worldview will raise what Dr. Barna calls spiritual champions who have reverence for God’s word.

On Wednesday, February 21, Dr. Barna will share the findings of his research on I encourage you to view the broadcast and begin to truly examine whether you as a Christian parent are sharing a Biblical worldview with your children or encouraging them to be members of the irrelevant social club about which my uncle warned.


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